Area Emergency Response Crews receive Airway Management Training from UND Graduate Students

  • Amber Johnson checks out a new digital Laryngoscope during the airway maintenence training last Wednesday evening at the Drayton Fire and Ambulance Hall. VNV photo by Lyle Van Camp

    Amber Johnson checks out a new digital Laryngoscope during the airway maintenence training last Wednesday evening at the Drayton Fire and Ambulance Hall. VNV photo by Lyle Van Camp

    Amber Johnson checks out a new digital Laryngoscope during the airway maintenence training last Wednesday evening at the Drayton Fire and Ambulance Hall. VNV photo by Lyle Van Camp
On Wednesday evening of last week three graduate students from UND, accompanied by their instructor, Dr. Amber Johnson, taught a course titled “Airway Management for Rural Pre-hospital Providers” at the Drayton Fire and Ambulance Hall. The students, Caleb, Brandon, and Dexter are currently taking a course from Dr. Johnson titled “Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Project Teams II”. Students in…

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