Baked Potato Bar Benefit Held for Alecia Heiser Sunday

  • Tammy Puppe, Polly Pokrzywinski, and Sandi Bratlie draw the winners names at the silent auction Sunday evening. VNV photo by Lyle Van Camp

    Tammy Puppe, Polly Pokrzywinski, and Sandi Bratlie draw the winners names at the silent auction Sunday evening. VNV photo by Lyle Van Camp

    Tammy Puppe, Polly Pokrzywinski, and Sandi Bratlie draw the winners names at the silent auction Sunday evening. VNV photo by Lyle Van Camp
  • Drayton Mayor Chip Olson deciding which items to bid on at the silent auction. VNV photo by Lyle Van Camp

    Drayton Mayor Chip Olson deciding which items to bid on at the silent auction. VNV photo by Lyle Van Camp

    Drayton Mayor Chip Olson deciding which items to bid on at the silent auction. VNV photo by Lyle Van Camp
Nearly ninety people attended a benefit dinner and silent auction on Sunday evening in Drayton. Lifelong Drayton resident Alecia Heiser has been battling cancer and the funds raised at the benefit will be used to help offset some of the expenses relate to her treatment and recovery. Those who attended the benefit were treated to a baked potato bar with all the trimmings, including both hamburger…

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