Girls Host Polar Bears

  • Isabella Douville guards a Polar Bear near their bucket in Tuesday nights matchup in Drayton. VNV Photo by Lesa Van Camp

    Isabella Douville guards a Polar Bear near their bucket in Tuesday nights matchup in Drayton. VNV Photo by Lesa Van Camp

    Isabella Douville guards a Polar Bear near their bucket in Tuesday nights matchup in Drayton. VNV Photo by Lesa Van Camp
The Titans girls hosted the Larimore Polar Bears in the Drayton Gym on Monday evening and made a game of it early but fell behind to lose a 35-27 contest. Aleah Pokrzywinski had 9 points to lead the effort, Isabella Douville added 6, Easton Larson and Hailey Berg put in 4 each, Jacey Nelson 2, Elizabeth Fedje and Kiara Aasand added 1 each. Quarter scores were: 8-5, 11-20, 18-28, and 27-35.

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