Titans Girls Travel to Grafton Last Week

  • Brooke Gullickson fights to keep control of the ball in action in Grafton Last week. VNV photo by Lyle Van Camp

    Brooke Gullickson fights to keep control of the ball in action in Grafton Last week. VNV photo by Lyle Van Camp

    Brooke Gullickson fights to keep control of the ball in action in Grafton Last week. VNV photo by Lyle Van Camp
The Titans girls traveled to Grafton last Tuesday where they lost in their half of a double header evening by a 77-11 score. Easton Larson led the girls with 5 points, Aleah Pokrzywinski, Elizabeth Fedje, and Kiara Aasand had 2 each. Quarter scores were: 3-17, 5-39, 7-57, and 11-77.

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